Resilient Revolt Slovenia (Upogljivi upor)
As Climate justice is one of the most pressing issues of our time and produces social movements all over the world, project Resilient Revolt is the Slovenian section of an international, European Theatre of the Oppressed movement on Climate Justice. Theatre of the Oppressed is a participatory, political theatre form. Upogljivi upor group and the resilient activities are part of KUD Transformator‘s program.
The objectives of Resilient Revolt Slovenia are
- artistic (to create TO plays and street theatre on the climate justice crisis),
- multiplication (form several theatre groups in Slovenia, movement gains momentum),
- horizontal action (aiming for non-hierarchical group processes, working with the contributions and skills of all group members) and
- Resilience (sustainable activism in the time of unprecedented crisis, gain self-efficacy in political action).
The group members consist of activists, artivists, actors, and participatory theatre makers.
Target groups for our actions are young people for the multiplication theatre groups (taking into account intersectionality and encouraging marginalized youth to participate). The target groups of our performances include local communities, passer-byes and the general public. We benefit communities by creating solidarity towards a more sustainable lifestyle. By creating local groups in several regions in Slovenia we foster urban-rural dialogues about radical changes. It is European in nature as climate change is no national issue and ties Europeans together.

Foto by KUD Transformator
We benefit our target groups in different ways. Participants in our multiplication groups become active political actors in society as well as community leaders and gain political consciousness and gain facilitation and performance skills. Local communities will gain by a growing political consciousness about climate change and justice, community building and democratic participation through theatre.
Preparations including cooperations with stakeholders and setting up a first stable theatre group in Slovenia are under way in late 2019. Our activities in the implementation phase include street theatre and forum theatre shows as well as multiplication workshops to found new groups, an international networking residency, regular reflection and organisational meetings, stakeholder meetings and the creation of a online web page section for Resilient Revolt with a description and development of the project. The follow up phase includes a reflection meeting of the applicant group and a national meeting in Slovenia, creating a toolkit and adding new participants to European Youth portal.
Resilient Revolt is part of Theatre for social changes program and is cofunded by MOVIT, European Solidarity Corps, and City Municipality of Ljubljana.