Welcome to Resilient Revolt

We are an international network and movement of theatre activists dealing with climate justice. Creatively, we perform plays around this issue locally and internationally, on the streets, in theatres, in and as political actions, and in unexpected places. We are part of global social movements around climate justice, and at the same time assist them with our skills.

fotos by Odilia Hochstetter, Ursa Rahne, Erik Skoliber

 such groups

For that we follow these principles:

1) Horizontal action: We try to facilitate processes (inside and outside the theatre) within our network as horizontal as possible, as we are all experts of our life realities.

2) Multiplication of network, methods and groups, as well as performances: Movements only live when they grow and are nurtured. We permanently search for new groups within our cause. We offer workshops to create such groups. We invite you to join with your existing group!

3) Resilience: Our activism is sustainable, prevents burn-out, is playful and enables us to act within multiple ecological crises.

4) Inclusiveness: Climate justice means working against racisms, ableisms, class society and capitalism, heteropatriarchy, generational injustice and for a good life for all. We want to mirror this within our movement and show that a good life is already possible today for everyone and includes everyone.

We know that we are constantly failing ourselves with them but we embrace this and are fault-friendly.

Founded in 2019 in Slovenia, we are both an international group of performers and facilitators but also a strategic partnership of organisations aimed at long term sustainable change in creative ways. Our origin lies within Theatre of the Oppressed but we openly invite all the arts.

Foto by Erik Skoliber

Our international networking activities include regular international meetings, such as the festival, facilitator exchanges (recent focus on adult education), trainings, residencies. You might see many of us being active with performances and workshops in their local communities towards our common goal.

You want to join? Amazing!

You like what you read and want to join the network as a group or individual?

You want to invite us?

You like what you read and want to invite us for a workshop, conference, political action or performance or have any concern from outside?

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Enacting Resilience

Exploring the Notion of Radical Resilience through a Prefigurative Lens By Kiara Gezels This Master thesis, "Enacting Resilience: Exploring the Notion of Radical Resilience through a Prefigurative Lens," by Kiara Gezels, delves into the concept of resilience within...

Wiener LichtBlicke x TdU Wien

In Zusammenarbeit mit den Wiener Lichtblicken, dem Festival der Lichtinterventionen im öffentlichen Raum mit Bezug zu Demokratie (, wird die Resilient Revolt Gruppe (ein Kollektiv des TdU Wien) Pop-up-Straßenperformances an...

11. Non-Festival // Spaces of Courage

Another summer, another edition of the Non-Festival. But this year, things looked very different from previous years. Two weeks before Non-Festival was to take place, heavy rain and floods hit Slovenia. Large parts of the country were under water, including our...

Priročnik dobrih praks

Priročnik dobrih praks Resilient Revolt je zbirka treh let ustvarjanja gledališča, organiziranja in vodenja delavnic, razmišljanja in delovanja! Sestavljen je iz člankov, ki so jih napisali gledališki praktiki na podlagi...
header foto and artwork by Erik Skoliber
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