Another summer, another edition of the Non-Festival. But this year, things looked very different from previous years. Two weeks before Non-Festival was to take place, heavy rain and floods hit Slovenia. Large parts of the country were under water, including our beloved Gornji Grad, causing enormous damages to the infrastructure and land. As you see in the pictures below, the Gornji Grad we know is hard to recognise, and too damaged to host this year’s Non-Festival. The Slovenian group proved themselves with incredible crisis management skills and managed to re-locate the festival to Ljubljana within less than two weeks. And so, the 11th edition of the festival took place in Ljubljana, in PLAC, a squat for cultural events.

Another year of meeting TO practicitioners from all over, this years theme was Spaces of Courage. Next to a basic TO Image & Forum Theatre track, the groups had been invited to bring their Forum performances and re-work them in the Laboratory track. In the afternoons, there were various workshops on mask theatre, shadow theatre and improv. The evening program was filled with Forum performances the TO groups brought, as well as various concerts, cabarets and improv.

CHECK HERE in what ways you can also help (physically or financially) Gornji Grad and other places to recover from the floods.

Until next year Non-Festival!

This group mobility was supported by the Erasmus+ Accreditation Program.