Dear Resilient Revolt Community,
From 07. – 12. of September 2021, the International Car Exhibition (IAA) will be hosted in Munich, accompanied by a #noIAA protest camp hosted by a broad range of actors – from NGOs to kitchen-collectives to direct-action networks and many more…
While there are still negotiations with the City of Munich about the Protest Camp, one thing is sure: It will be there, if allowed or not.
And the Resilient Revolt Network will be there, too!
September 7th to 12th 2021
Munich, #noIAA Protest Camp (exact location is not entirely sure yet – all registered people will be informed.)
Activist exchange for all theatre-interested people (experienced or not). There will be:
- Street-theatre interventions with longer preparation time
- Workshop: self-care and resilience for activists
- Workshop: Poetry of the oppressed
- Little actions accompanying the bigger demonstrations
- Open space for ideas and impulses
- …and let’s see what else is going to happen!
You’ll find more information about the workshops below
There will be people of the Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) network. Feel free to join, no matter how much experience you have with theatre!
What do we want?
-> We want to discuss, connect, and act with activists from a broad spectrum of political environments
-> Our presence in the camp is not only thought of as a theatre space, but also as a platform for people to reflect and engage in a bigger political discourse, right at the center of political action.
How can I register?
Option 1) This Form
Option 2) Write us an e-mail: tdu_muc@posteo.de
- The protest camp is free of charge
- Your transport costs will be covered. We welcome it if you donate them to Resilient Revolt which can make good use of them. This applies especially for activists from the white middle classes who don’t have the urgent need to get reimbursed.
Option 1: Camping at the protest camp
Option 2: If you prefer to sleep safely in a flat with a proper bed, we’ll find you one
What about COVID-Security?
- Please come tested (PCR or Antigen-Test), no matter if you are vaccinated or recovered.
- We will provide a test station at the camp
- We will need your name and contact information in the registration for Corona tracking. Note that you may use action names for this.
Why should I participate?
You know why. The climate crisis is an intersectional crisis caused by capitalism, patriarchy and racism.
The IAA is a symbol for all three of them.
See you at the camp or in the streets!
Resilient Revolt
Activities around the theatre yurt
Reclaim the streets with theatre (intense theatre workshop)
Duration? | 2,5 days + action and reflection on the weekend 10-12th September |
Where? | Resilient Revolt Tent at the Climate Camp |
Times? | Preparation: as soon as you register we will be in dialogue about possible actions; Workshop time: 7th September 15:00-19:00 8th September 10:00-19:00 9th September 10-19:00 > Dress Rehearsal with newcomers: (if you can only come for the weekend – please indicate at registration) 10th September 15:00-19:00 Action: Sometime between 11th September in the morning and 12th September before noon at a time and location of our choosing Reflection and Out of Action: 12th September, 13-15:00 |
Commitment? | We ask you kindly to commit to be part of the whole process even though a lot of other things will happen at the camp during these day literally all the time. |
What will we do? | We’ll device a performance action that can be staged around or on the IAA premises in Munich. Before, there will be a collective research and discussion process about the politics behind this event. As soon as you register we will include you into our horizontal thought and decision process. |
Goals? | Expose the IAA as a capitalist greenwashing event; raise more awareness in major media; the performance action shall be a way to support direct actions of “Sand im Getriebe” and other mass civil disobedience happening to block the IAA |
Methods? | We’ll use the non-violent protest forms that the theatre of the oppressed provides We’ll use our bodies performatively and politically; Invisible Theatre (Augusto Boal) |
Poetry of the Oppressed
When? | 9th of September, 13:00 – 17:00 |
What? | Together we discover the Poetry as a channel to express the urgency of the above mentioned topics and our related feelings and emotions. We plan to use our poems in the direct actions in the weekend. If you want to join the workshop it would be great if you come on time to get the full experience. |
Contact? | anjafranziska@gmail.com |
Where? | Resilient Revolt tent at the IAA protest camp |
Photography of the Oppressed
When? | 8th of September, 13:00 – 17:00 |
What? | Together we discover the different ways how to document and process the topics of oppression, climate crisis, greenwashing etc. via photography and filming. Bring your favorite camera/video camera or borrow one from us. A mobile phone is also sufficient. If you want to join the workshop it would be great if you come on time to get the full experience. |
Where? | Resilient Revolt tent at the IAA protest camp |
Understanding Power
When? | 11th of September, ca. 1:30 hours (time will be announced soon) |
What? | The Zapatista claim that the purpose of revolutionary acts is not to take over or destroy power, but to transform it. Thus the relationship between the oppressive and the oppressed needs to be reflected and recreated in a way that an non-exploitative kind of relationship becomes possible. Theatre of the oppressed offers us methods to understand and transform relationships of power. In this workshop we collectively explore the power-relationships of our own bodies and minds. |
Where? | Resilient Revolt tent at the Mobilitätswende Camp |
Contact? | tdu_muc@posteo.de |
Self Care for Activists
When? | 10th of September, 1 to 4 pm |
What? |
Organizing food and infrastructure for thousands of activists, sitting in blockades, going through GeSa, hosting endless assemblies, writing emergency PR-statements late at night and so on is exhausting. Some of these experiences may be even traumatic. What can we do against it? Knowledge about Trauma and Trauma-releasing body work may help to overcome acute exhaustions and can be used as a skill to relief stresses and the key to self regulation in and after situation of extreme stress. |
Where? | Resilient Revolt tent at the Mobilitätswende Camp |
Contact? | tdu_muc@posteo.de |
Reflection Round of Direct Actions During IAA (Blockades, Theatre etc.)
When? | 12th of September, ca. 1:30 hours (time will be announced soon) |
What? | How did the diversity of tactics we used to block the IAA work out? What worked well? What did fail? What can we learn for the next time? Are there things missing within our strategies and actions? How do we proceed? |
Where? | Resilient Revolt tent at the Mobilitätswende Camp |
Contact? | tdu_muc@posteo.de |
Organizing – How to win over 99%
When? |
9th of September 19:00 till open end |
What? |
In a 2.5 hour Organizing Conversations training we will equip you step by step with the tools of strategic conversation to win people for the climate justice movement. The more our large passive support (in Germany) becomes active support, the faster we will reach our goals. Join us and learn how to become successful climate organizers! |
Where? |
Resilient Revolt tent at the Mobilitätswende Camp |
Resilience Self Care
When? | Every morning from 10:00 to 12:00 |
What? | Resilience Self Care which can consist of meditations, Chigong, Yoga and other practices. If you want to offer a session, please contact us (anjafranziska@gmail.com). There will be a time table at the tent with the information what kind of practice will be offered at which day. |
Where? | Resilient Revolt tent at the Mobilitätswende Camp |
Wanna offer something? | If you want to offer a session, please contact us: anjafranziska@gmail.com |
Open Art Box
What? | Here you can find material and resources which you can use whenever and however you like, for example to create posters and other materials for the direct actions or just to process your experiences, feelings and emotions in a creative way. |
Open Space of Theatre of the Oppressed
What? | We will offer an Open Space where you can relax and recover and approach the topic of oppression, climate crisis and greenwashing with creativity. |
Where? | Resilient Revolt tent at the Mobilitätswende Camp |
>>>> INTERESTED? Register here in This Form 😉