CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Practitioner’s Lab “invisible theatre and direct actions” – Queering Resilient Revolt
by Resilient Revolt, Facilitators: Theatre of the Oppressed Munich collective, Gemeinwohlwohnen e.V.

May 1st to May 6th 2022
Jugendfreizeitgelände Happinger Ausee
Moosbachstraße 2
83026 Rosenheim, Germany
Theatre Practitioners (performers and facilitators) that are already experienced with the methods of the theatre of the oppressed
Method training: invisible theatre and direct actions in the context of the climate justice movement
Topic: “Queering Resilient Revolt”: We believe: Climate justice comes togehter with gender equality! No climate justice without social justice! With the methods of the theatre of the oppressed, we will explore, in which ways we can establish a a feminist and less gender-binary culture of facilitating, putting an emphasis on interpersonal communication and discovering a feminist way of taking a leadership role as a theatre facilitator, no matter, which gender identity the theatre practitioner has. We will explore, in which ways this approach changes the way we do street theatre and how we go into direct action:
- Who does the care work behind the scenes?
- Are we aware of the different needs of all people, taking part in actions?
- How can we reduce patriarchal structures in our groups and in street theatre actions?
We will elaborate some concrete ideas, how to involve this queer approach into our street actions and invisible theatre performances.
Please write an EMail to: until monday, april 29th.