This week, the climate camp in Vienna took place at the Lobau protest camp (More info here: Resilient Revolt Vienna held a newspaper theatre workshop there to deal with the topic of the construction of a city highway through the Lobau...
By Stone, participant at the Practitioner’s lab in Rosenheim I am a breast competitor. Inflicting pains of desire. I am seeing brave eyes. Refusing to be locked in. I am not in...
By Roti I take you on a leash You say I am angry and greedy It’s interesting how you are changing the game You see Can you actually see? You are changing the game Who gave you this power Where comes this privilege I want to change the game For my...
Order is an illusion.Things, the world, situations are constantly in chaos.We are learning to accept this chaos, explore it and see how we can manage to live in it, withouttoo many borders and unnecessary inequalities.There is no harmony.Why would it need to be?We are...
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Practitioner’s Lab “invisible theatre and direct actions” – Queering Resilient Revolt by Resilient Revolt, Facilitators: Theatre of the Oppressed Munich collective, Gemeinwohlwohnen e.V. WHEN? May 1st to May 6th 2022 WHERE? Jugendfreizeitgelände...
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